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Villa Godi Malinverni
The beginnings of an unsurpassed artist
Sojo Park - Art and Nature
A magnificent walk on the Asiago Plateau among works of art and nature
Villa Giusti-Suman in Zugliano
Between tales and mysteries
Cuchi Museum
Terracotta whistles: fragile calls of love
Veneto villages: Marostica, Bassano, Cittadella
by €120.00 6 hours
The city of chess and cherries...
Highland bells
A concert in Sib2 that tastes of tradition, history and community
Malga Zebio
Cows and marmots there where the cannon thundered
Rising on a plateau, the scene of the Great War, the town and war memorial of Asiago
Silan Waterfall, Hermitage of San Bovo
The Hidden Wonders of the Pedemontana del Grappa.
Burlina, untamed queen of the plateau
Between history and legend, it is Mario Rigoni Stern who tells an amusing anecdote about the most titled of the Seven Municipalities Plateau cows
The resurgences of the Bacchiglione River
Upper Vicenza's resurgences, filed with the years of trout farming, have become a family-friendly nature reserve