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Borromeo Park

The green jewel of Cesano Maderno

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Where is


Via Barbarossa, 20811 Cesano Maderno MB, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

A large garden with a perimeter of about 1.4 kilometers welcomes visitors to Cesano Maderno among its perspective avenues, its harmonious geometries traced with boxwood hedges, the large lawn and large trees. It is the park of the Palazzo Arese Borromeo, designed to brighten the days of the wealthy Borromeo family. Today, however, such beauty is no longer reserved for palace guests, and the garden has been transformed into a public space perfect for relaxing, complete with benches, a large fountain, shaded tables for studying or playing cards, and a recently added pond.

Don't miss

The park of Palazzo Arese Borromeo is more alive than ever: not only is it assiduously frequented during the day by the citizens of Cesano Maderno: in the summer evenings it becomes a favorite lounge for watching movies under the stars in the coolness of the garden.


Along the perimeter one can still encounter the structure of the old large aviary. For several years efforts were made to keep animals inside the park, the birds housed in the aviary, of course, but also peacocks, geese, and a rooster. Unfortunately, for hygiene reasons, they are no longer there today, but no harm done: one can concentrate on the little birds that like to perch on the branches of the park's trees. After all, knowing they are free makes one enjoy their song even more!

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Recommended by
Erica Abbiati

I personally love this park. I have been going to it since I was a little girl and still every opportunity is good to go through it.


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