
Results ( 45) for " Belmonte Castello, FR, Italia"

10km | Cassino, FR
Abbey of Monte Cassino

Abbey of Monte Cassino

Founded in 529 by St. Benedict of Norcia, located 516 meters above sea level, it is the oldest monastery in Italy after that of St. Scholastica (St. Benedict's twin sister).

17km | Rocchetta a Volturno, IS
Brown Mountain

Brown Mountain

One that tells many stories: the battle of World War II with the birth of the CIL, Italian Liberation Corps; that of Moulin, a hermit artist; and the never-ending story of Mother Nature!

19km | Pizzone, IS
Pianoro le Forme

Pianoro le Forme

The main access into the Molise side of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park. A place where deer, chamois and wolves manage the land in the name of Mother Nature.

19km | San Donato Val di Comino, FR
Forca d'Acero, Abruzzo Latium and Molise National Park

Forca d'Acero, Abruzzo Latium and Molise National Park

Famous throughout Italy for the colors its beech forest takes on in autumn, Forca d'Acero is a striking mountain pass on the border between Lazio and Abruzzo, located at an altitude of 1538 meters.

19km | Castel San Vincenzo, IS
Hermitage of St. Michael the Archangel

Hermitage of St. Michael the Archangel

Set among the rocks of Mount St. Michael, the Hermitage was founded by Benedictine abbots around 1027. It can only be reached via a trail in the National Park area.

21km | Scapoli, IS
The village of Scapoli and the Bagpipe Museum

The village of Scapoli and the Bagpipe Museum

Scapoli is the "Capital of the Bagpipe," one of the few towns in Italy where, along with the presence of skilled craftsmen, the ancient art of making this folk instrument survives.

21km | Scapoli, IS
The scapolese ravioli

The scapolese ravioli

A typical dish that characterizes the village of Scapoli and the entire Upper Volturno Valley. A delicacy that accompanies the village's important festive days, particularly during the carnival period.

22km | Castel San Vincenzo, IS
Lake of Castel San Vincenzo

Lake of Castel San Vincenzo

A reservoir built in the 1950s that nevertheless leaves the feeling of a place that has always been a part of this area. Colorful, quiet and peaceful!

22km | Venafro, IS
Pandone Castle of Venafro

Pandone Castle of Venafro

A site of art and history that houses the National Museum of Molise, which collects Molise's artistic evidence inside a charming castle overlooking the historic village.

22km | Castel San Vincenzo, IS
The Castel San Vincenzo community market.
Village market

The Castel San Vincenzo community market.

Molise's local products in the heart of one of its most beautiful villages

18 Jun

22km | Civitella Alfedena
The Nativity at the Borgo

The Nativity at the Borgo

Civitella Alfedena: when an entire village becomes a nativity scene

23km | Rocchetta a Volturno, IS
Sources of the Volturno River

Sources of the Volturno River

The beginning of the longest river in central southern Italy, the Volturno, which can still be admired here in its original course. A place of great naturalistic impact.

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