Event  }  Reenactment

The Berber Palio

The historical re-enactment of the municipality of Pescia

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In a nutshell

On the first Sunday of September, an important Palio is held in the town of Pescia, during which representatives of the four historic districts face off. The festivities begin the week before with medieval markets and performances by jugglers and acrobats; as well as the presence of food stands where traditional local dishes can be enjoyed. The Palio proper is held from the early afternoon of Sunday, when a procession of about six hundred figures in period dress and accompanied by the sound of drums and clarions parade through the streets of the village. The Palio consists of a competition among four archers, who with medieval bows must hit three plaster targets arranged in a triangle. The archers have three volleys available to win the trophy.

Event concluded

Saturday 2 September 2023

Dates and times are subject to change.

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Cercatori di Eventi

An engaging event to relive the medieval atmosphere in the beautiful setting of Pescia.

Event concluded

Saturday 2 September 2023

Dates and times are subject to change.

Where is


51017 Pescia PT, Italia (0m s.l.m.)



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The Map thanks:

Reported by
Cercatori di Eventi

An engaging event to relive the medieval atmosphere in the beautiful setting of Pescia.


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