Event  }  Tradition

The May of Accettura

An ancient festival symbolizes Accettura's cultural identity

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In a nutshell

"May" or the "Marriage of Two Trees" is a ritual related to pagan agrarian worship that in the 18th century was mixed with faith in honor of the patron St. Julian. The festival begins on the first Sunday after Easter, when two trees are chosen: a turkey oak ("the May") and a holly ("the Top"). The trees are subsequently felled and transported by pairs of oxen to the village. Their symbolic marriage is then celebrated on Pentecost Sunday by grafting. This is followed by processions in honor of St. Julian's, culminating in the raising of the great tree, on which the youngest compete in acrobatic climbs. This is a celebration rooted in pagan tradition, but joined with Catholic religious ritual. In addition to this, an opportunity for those visiting Accettura to learn about the authentic identity of the community and taste local products.

Event concluded

Sat 27 May 2023 - Mon 29 May 2023

Dates and times are subject to change.

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Cercatori di Eventi

A traditional event linked to propitiatory rites and a deep faith for St. Julian.

Event concluded

Sat 27 May 2023 - Mon 29 May 2023

Dates and times are subject to change.

Where is


75011 Accettura MT, Italia (0m s.l.m.)



Sito ufficiale


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In the Community

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The Map thanks:

Reported by
Cercatori di Eventi

A traditional event linked to propitiatory rites and a deep faith for St. Julian.


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