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The Paladins of the Map

Who are the Paladins?

The Paladins are Companies and Entities that care about their territory and want to do their part to give voice and value to the Wonders it holds.

What do the Paladins do?

The Paladins fund and sponsor area mapping projects, thus contributing to the creation of pages dedicated to local treasures and typicalities that then become part of SharryLand's Map of Wonders, itineraries or more articulated projects. The project is national and of high social impact, significant for stakeholders and the Social Report.

How do projects work with Paladins?

Projects developed with Paladins are always tailor-made: the Paladin's brand (linked to his or her profile) will be featured for one year in a prominent position in a shortlist of Wonders jointly chosen according to the project (by theme, by geographic area, by type). Contact us.


We are here to help you

If you have concerns, suggestions or plans for your area, write to us or come and meet us at the Tuesday webinar.
