
Results ( 72) for " Trivolzio, PV, Italia"

12km | Morimondo, MI
Abbey of Morimondo
Place of worship

Abbey of Morimondo

Imposing monastery and a delightful hamlet of farmsteads in the Ticino valley

13km | Zibido San Giacomo, MI
Palazzina Pusterla, Cascina Ca' Granda, Zibido San Giacomo

Palazzina Pusterla, Cascina Ca' Granda, Zibido San Giacomo

The Palazzina Pusterla is a rare and delightful example of a late 14th-century hunting lodge. It is leaning against an irrigation ditch in which the mill wheel fishes. Around it is a beautiful park, well and bakery.

16km | Vigevano, PV
The charm of Piazza Ducale in Vigevano

The charm of Piazza Ducale in Vigevano

One of the most beautiful Renaissance squares in Italy, enclosed on the east by the cathedral, on the south by the Sforza Ducal Palace, surrounded by arcades and dominated by Bramante's tower.

16km | Vigevano, PV
The majestic Castle of Vigevano
Fortresses and castles

The majestic Castle of Vigevano

In the shoe capital, one of the largest fortified complexes in Europe.

17km | Vigevano, PV
The Mill of Lower Mora

The Mill of Lower Mora

Amidst landscapes, hydraulic works and ingenious machines

18km | Abbiategrasso, MI
Naviglio di Bereguardo

Naviglio di Bereguardo

A slow journey through the Milanese countryside

18km | Vigevano, PV
Lomellina and its rice fields

Lomellina and its rice fields

Hidden jewels among the rice fields

19km | Opera, MI
Mirasole Abbey, an oasis of peace and silence
Place of worship

Mirasole Abbey, an oasis of peace and silence

A fortified complex in the Milanese countryside chronicles the spirituality experienced by the monastic order of the Humiliati

23km | Chiaravalle, MI
The Abbey of Chiaravalle on the outskirts of Milan
Place of worship

The Abbey of Chiaravalle on the outskirts of Milan

A beautiful Cistercian monastery in a stretch of irrigated countryside that survived the onslaught of the city

23km | San Giuliano Milanese, Viboldone, MI
The Gothic frescoes of Viboldone Abbey

The Gothic frescoes of Viboldone Abbey

In a remnant of irrigated countryside in the Milanese hinterland, a 14th-century abbey holds splendid frescoes

23km | Robecco Sul Naviglio, MI
Robecco sul Naviglio and its villas of delight

Robecco sul Naviglio and its villas of delight

Along the Naviglio Grande for vacationing, in the footsteps of Milanese nobility

24km | Milano, MI
Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio and the Portinari Chapel

Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio and the Portinari Chapel

A Path to Heaven

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