
Results ( 65) for " Annicco, CR, Italia"

12km | Castelleone, CR
Santa Maria in Bressanoro, between Gothic and Renaissance
Place of worship

Santa Maria in Bressanoro, between Gothic and Renaissance

In the green Cremasque countryside, a terracotta church hides a wonderful cycle of frescoes.

13km | Camairago, LO
Borromeo Castle of Camairago, a country castle

Borromeo Castle of Camairago, a country castle

Large 15th-century castle built on an escarpment to defend the Adda River. Retains intact walls, towers and ravelin with double entrance, driveway and pedestrian. Fascinating view of the river.

13km | Villachiara, BS
Martinengo Castle of Villachiara, Brescia

Martinengo Castle of Villachiara, Brescia

Plain castle, surrounded by a moat turned into a meadow, in the center of the village. Built in the late 1300s, it has a square shape with beautiful cylindrical towers at the corners.

15km | Padernello, BS
Padernello Castle
Fortresses and castles

Padernello Castle

Vanity, mirrors himself in the waters of the moat

17km | Cremona
Appointment with Stradivarius

Appointment with Stradivarius

In Cremona, to the Violin Museum to hear the instruments of the city's unsurpassed violin makers

18km | Soncino, CR
The Rocca Sforzesca of Soncino

The Rocca Sforzesca of Soncino

Established as a defensive structure in the 15th century by the Sforza family, today the impregnable Rocca can be visited and hosts two Museums, as well as events related to contemporary art.

18km | Orzinuovi, BS
The historical center of Orzinuovi

The historical center of Orzinuovi

The small town of Orzinuovi with its large porticoed square, overlooked by beautiful historic buildings such as the Gothic Palazzo podestarile, and enclosed at the end by the castle, is well worth a stop.

20km | Crema, CR
Palazzo Terni, among the most beautiful baroque buildings in Lombardy

Palazzo Terni, among the most beautiful baroque buildings in Lombardy

Splendid early 18th-century palace, though never finished; has a rich array of terracotta decorations, statues, balconies, bronze railings, and a magnificent courtyard.

20km | Crema, CR
Crema, cloisters with surprise

Crema, cloisters with surprise

A beautiful, intimate place in downtown Crema, with a surprise you don't expect

20km | Crema, CR
The Cathedral of Crema
Place of worship

The Cathedral of Crema

Absolute protagonist of the city's main square

20km | Crema, CR
Crema's square, one of the most beautiful in Italy

Crema's square, one of the most beautiful in Italy

An elegant, harmonious and lively square with the Cathedral in the center, surrounded by beautiful buildings

20km | Crema, CR
Holy Trinity, the church with two facades

Holy Trinity, the church with two facades

Space for an imposing Baroque church was limited, so architect Andrea Nono chose this original solution to give it visibility.

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